
Choosing Prosperity — 2 Comments

  1. I choose good Fortune, Fun, Ease, Enrichment! All things I am truly shocked to find have alluded me. Since a small child I have always know my life would be filled with these things- that they would just flow into life. I saw & felt my future as a child.

    • Hi Terri! Thank you for reading and for your thoughtful comments. One way to turn that around is to begin to find evidence of where those things have shown up in your life. Even when we feel like something we want is not coming to us, we can usually still find evidence of it if we look. As children we are filled with self-love and know instinctively that the Universe is ready to give us all good things. Rekindling that level of self-love can take a bit of effort but it is well within our grasp. Where have you experienced good fortune, fun, ease, and enrichment this year?

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