
The First Robin of Spring — 10 Comments

  1. I’ve been seeing robins for weeks, and it makes me feel so light! I hate hate hate winter and spring always feels like being reborn. I’m glad it seems to be happening early this year!

  2. I so LOVE the spring- it is full of new life, new possibilities….new beginnings, as you say. We had a couple warm days here and I felt myself coming alive. It is cold again, but something is shifting- I can feel it! It’s exciting!! I can’t wait until I see my first robin!

    • Hi Nano! I know what you mean about feeling that “shift” that happens when Spring begins drawing near! It is indeed exciting! I am looking out my office window as I type this and there are four or five robins hopping around. You’ll see them soon! xo πŸ™‚

  3. Cindie, I love β€” live for, even now that I live in a warmer climate and winters aren’t so harsh β€” those first signs of spring. Here in the Bay Area, the magnolias come first, in January! Then the daffodils, and irises, and fruit tree blossoms.

    My own heart, and spirit, expand with every flower, just as they do with the increased light.

    May this Spring be a big blossoming for you, for all of us.

    Blessings and love,

    • Hi Sue, I was born and raised and lived half my life there in the S.F.Bay Area and loved reading your words about the magnolias and daffodils coming in early Spring…I remember that! Right now in Louisiana we have the most beautiful Japanese magnolias – nothing green on them, just large pink blooms – spectacular! “My own heart, and spirit, expand with every flower…” such a gorgeous thought! Thank you for sharing! xo πŸ™‚

  4. Hi Cindie! I love this post! It is so true that new beginnings are upon us! One of my favorite things to do in the spring is begin to clear away some of the old dead leaves that fell after my last raking of the fall and allow the poppings of new life to come out into the light! I like to say positive affirmations that reflect what I am doing, such as, “I am clearing out the old deadness in my life and making room for what is new.” I am so ready for the new beginnings that are in store and can’t wait to see what surprises spring holds for us!

    • Hi Joy, I’ve got some leaves to clear out as well! I like your idea of using affirmations to make a connection between what you are doing in the physical and what is ready to happen in the rest of your life. That is a beautiful idea (and might make raking leaves a little less of a chore lol). So glad you enjoyed the post. I appreciate your thoughts. πŸ™‚ xo

  5. I can’t wait to get warmer, so I can start my garden. And go out more. Maybe start jogging again πŸ™‚ I really miss the sun, and when little signs of spring start appearing, I am always so grateful and appreciative of new beginnings.

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