
Twenty-Two Ways to Bring LOVE into Your Life — 13 Comments

  1. I love this Cindie! Thank you for sharing… I did 6 of these today and it was lovely. The best one for me was buying myself flowers (at my sisters house) knowing I am leaving in three days… it felt indulgent. And, I loved it!

    • Amina! That’s so wonderful that you bought yourself flowers, and I love that you didn’t talk yourself out of it because you were traveling soon!! xo

  2. Pingback:Your Feelings Are a Miracle

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  5. Great advice!

    Love all your points, especially because I’ve been implementing them already for a while. The result: nurturing yourself leads to a high level of self-love, which in return will attract love from others. Finding new love is a journey of self-nurture to make you feel happy in your own skin and in your own company before any relationship has a chance to succeed.

    Right now I’m totally enjoying my independence taking care of myself. It’s important not to make happiness and contentment dependent on being with someone in a relationship. Learn to be a happy free spirit first by following the 22 tips above!

    • Hello Christiane, Thank you for your thoughtful comments. Isn’t it amazing what flows to us when we begin to take better care of ourselves?! So glad you enjoyed the post. 🙂 xo

  6. Pingback:5 Keys to Up-leveling Your Self-Worth | Cindie Chavez

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  9. Pingback:You Determine Your Value | Cindie Chavez

    • Excellent!! I always love to hear that people enjoy reading my articles…and it is even BETTER to hear that you are inspired to take action! xo

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