
Do You Have What You Need? — 14 Comments

  1. This is a juicy subject! I find that I have a really hard time spending money on myself. I think it stems from finally becoming debt free after years of debt over my head. Right now I’m trying to save as much as possible so I can fulfill a dream of being self employed, but I already know that once I come into some money I’m getting some new clothes! 🙂 Thanks for a great post!

    • Thanks, Billie, I appreciate your thoughtful comments and I’m glad to know that this post was juicy for you. And I love that you’ve made an intention to treat yourself to a new wardrobe. 🙂 very nice!! xoxo

  2. Great point Cindie – I recognise this in myself. I was on my own in the world from a young age and I knew there was no safety net, so I became very tight with my money. I’m still a bit like that even though I don’t need to be, and if I looked in my wardrobe I would probably notice the same thing – most of it needs updating! Great to be made aware of these old beliefs that are no longer relevant or serving us well.

    • Thank you, Leanne – I’m glad you enjoyed the post, and I’m glad to know that sharing this helped others recognize old beliefs that are no longer serving them well. More than a few of us are ready to go shopping now, I see. LOL. I appreciate your comments and thank you for sharing too. 🙂 xo

  3. Hi Cindie! I’m working with and discovering so many of my limiting/childhood beliefs this year and it seems like ever since I moved to a different country that more of these beliefs are being challenged. One in particular is opposite from the one you write about here and it’s that whatever I want I replace with the word “need,” which becomes a problem when I think I need everything I want and can’t be happy without it.

    In fact, I remember going to the store with my mom as a kid and pointing out stuff I wanted and saying, “But I need it!” And I’m still doing that!

    It’s an incredible realization and one that I’m working on changing. Anywho, great post, lady!

    • Hi Cassandra, When we have a realization (like the one you shared!) we are often on the precipice of a HUGE shift! 🙂 Stay with it, be curious! Thank you for sharing your honest experience and commenting here, I appreciate that so much. xo 🙂

  4. Hi Cindy,
    Great article, love your writing.
    Yeah it’s a very fine line between what we need or want. Sometimes we live in such comfort we always have what we need physically but greatly forget what our soul + heart actually needs and sometimes it’s not stuff on the outside, the comfort or the car. It’s much simpler than all of that but harder to pinpoint when it looks like on the outside everything is there, so why aren’t we happy? 😉 Thanks for the great article. I shared your quote on my tweeter account. hugs from the academy.

    • Hi Danielle, So true! Paying attention to what our inner world wants/needs is very important exercise. We live in such a busy world and sometimes it is so easy to ignore that small inner voice. Thank you for reading and commenting. I appreciate you! xo 🙂

  5. Was really touched by your post Cindie….it has hit a spot and highlighted some limiting beliefs I have also, your point about it not being just about financial needs, I realise I am denying myself in many areas because I am saying i don’t ‘need’ it. Off to do some gentle delving inside, thank you so much Cindie <3

    • Hi Caroline, Thank you! I’m happy to hear that you were touched by this post and I wish you much success in your gentle delving. 😉 xo

  6. Beautiful post Cindie, there is so much freedom in knowing that the desire is there in the first place because the means to fulfill it exist but we are so conditioned to push it away. Being aware of our feminine receiving nature allows us to lean back and be in receiving mode, something we aren’t used to in our busy Western lives. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • Hi Lisa, Glad that you mentioned the feminine receiving nature – spot on! 🙂 Thank you for reading and commenting, I appreciate your contribution! 🙂 xo

  7. Beautiful post Cindie! Thank you for sharing! I’m finding with me… it’s a time factor. I’m busy with so many things that I’ll tell myself… I don’t have time to go shopping or whatever it is I want to do at the moment… followed by… I really don’t need that anyway. When I notice I start to do that too much… then I know it’s time to schedule some “me” time and get out of the office for a while.

    Keep Shining!
    Julie 🙂

    • Hi Julie, A very good point you make about the “not enough time” perspective. I usually remind myself that if I have someone in my life that I never have enough time for then they certainly must not be a priority to me, so…when it is ME that I don’t have time for something needs to shift!! 🙂 Glad you liked the article, I appreciate your thoughtful comments here. 🙂 xo

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